Jackoff Porn is the best with your sexy hot Dr. Ginger. Come to the office to work though what you have on your mind. At the same time we will watch some porn and you can be stroking your cock. We will have an adult little chat about what your kinks are.
After all that is what I am here for. Listening to all my patients in a professional setting. Now that doesn’t mean to say that we need to be professional. In fact, I will highly encourage you to be stroking your cock while we are watching the porn and having a chat.
It is always best to be with someone who enjoys porn just as much as what you do. As more than one professional I will say that as soon as you walk in the room you will see that the ambiance is all you need to be comfortable. The porn is eclectic. Drop down those pants and get comfortable. The time is here for us to have a great time fucking, having Adult phone chat, jacking, among other things.
In summary you will not be disappointed in your sessions. No matter what it is that you are looking for with me as a nasty little sexy hot whore bitch Dr. G.