

Adult Phone Chat Sluts Masseuse

Adult Phone Chat

Adult Phone Chat Sluts do personal massages and the last one I did came with a big black surprise. It felt like a normal massage even when his cock was hard it happens when you relax. But it all changed when he stuck his hand up my skirt fingered my cunt and smelled his fingers saying how I smelled like I needed a good pounding. I didn’t know what to say because he is a famous client. Before I could even move, he got up and shoved me on the massage table. Lifting my skirt and saying how he gets what he wants and right now he wanted my pussy hole. He shoved his big black throbbing cock in me. He pounded me hard as if he was trying to rip my hole open, and I could tell he has had this rape fantasy for a while. The way she was holding me down and pounding me like I was just a hole to nut in turned him on. He didn’t stop until he filled me up, he threw and extra hundred dollars at me and told me to leave.  

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