You made me wet having our Adult Phone Chat about the night I first met him. Oh the fun I had with my mouth that night. My lips were painted red that night. I knew exactly what I wanted and was determined to deliver. After grinding against guys all night, feeling the growth of their dicks with my ass, I found a keeper. A good ten inches felt through his pants with a thick girth that I knew I needed in my mouth. I took his hand, and we walked around as we played and teased.
We found ourselves in a dark corner away from prying eyes (or so we thought), grinding against each other like there was no tomorrow when suddenly – bam! – out came that dick and my lips wrapped around it like they belonged there forevermore! It felt incredible; hotter than hell itself but oh-so good at the same time. Spit dripping down my mouth like I had just served filet mignon. I could’ve eaten that piece of meat if I just had some A1.
As my head bobbed up and down on his cock, faster than an amusement park ride gone haywire, I couldn’t help but moan loudly into the night air. The sensation sent shivers running through my entire body. You later told me my technique was flawless! With each suck, I would time the bob down perfectly. In no time, I was his little cum dumpster. His load was ready to unload in my mouth. I took every drop of his jizz. Nothing like a good Cocksucking phone sex call to brighten your day.